Tinkers island is very interesting story about a Janny and her father Sam. This story tells us about family values - love of the daughter to the father, devotion and self-sacrifice. 

I was struck by the bravely young Jenny, who was not afraid to come to his father for help and to go on the ship. 

She saved her father, who has been sentenced for a crime he did not commit.They began their journey on the boat, not knowing what awaits them. 

They were fortunate enough to get to the island. How this family lived on the island, built their lives in pieces, tells us that if there is love and sacrifice - it is possible to survive on a desert island and be happy!

Without looking but the fact that they had not easy, they are lucky to be rescued by the sailors from the ship Red Rouse and go on a journey to America.
I hope, this family is found a happiness in America.

So, love your family and help each other every days!
Me and my coach went to Bremen last November with with the National team of karate. We rode on the bus through Poland.
We stayed for a five days in a apartments near the OVB Arena which hosted a sports competitions of karate. The apartments was a very comfortable for me, because they were adapted for me.
During all days of our stay in Bremen, we almost walked around the city, because our team is constantly fought on the Mat and we are rooting for our athletes. But one day, I had the opportunity a few hours to give a nice city. That only is the Cathedral - he's just incredible and very impressive! In Bremen I have fulfilled one of the children's dreams is to see the Bremen's  musicians!
We had a great time in Germany, because the Ukrainian national team, received first prizes at World Karate
Championships! One gold medal and two bronze is our valuable baggage. Home we came back happy and full of pride. Even such a long way on the bus, did not spoil our joy!

In my small city stand a many statues. Among them such as Memorial in honour of those who died in the great Patriotic war, Soldiers-Afghans, monument to Mikhail Bulgakov, the bust of Taras Shevchenko, and the memorial to Chernobyl. But, my post about new memorial square. This is the Heroes square of heavenly hundreds.
The memorial Heroes square of heavenly hundreds  carries a piece of history, it is full of meaning and a reminder of the events that will remain in our memory forever. So a new Avenue not only for walking but also for education. It will remind people about the patriots sacrificed their young lives for the honor of his people, protecting the independence of Ukraine. People call them Heavenly hundred.

I will always remember those event... My soul is crying...

Abraham Lincoln was in the United States in 1861 16th President. He in 1863 he issued the emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves forever within the Confederation.

He was born February 12, 1809 in Kentucky, U. S, and all his life sought to self-improvement. Five months before receiving the nomination from his party for the presidency, he sketched his life:

"I was born Feb. 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. My parents were both born in Virginia, talentless families-second families, perhaps I should say. My mother, who died in my tenth year, was from a family of the name of Hanks.... My father ... removed from Kentucky ... Indiana, in my eighth year.... It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals, as earlier in the forest. I grew up there,.... Of course, when I became of age, there are many things I knew. Still somehow, I could read, write and count ... but that was all."

His wife's name was Mary Todd. In their family were four boys, but only one lived to adulthood.

As President, Lincoln built the Republican party into a strong national organization. Next, he rallied most of the Northern Democrats to the Union cause.
Lincoln won the election in 1864. In his plans he wanted to be flexible and generous encourage southerners to be.
The spirit that guided him we can feel his Inaugural address, now inscribed on one wall of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D. C.: "feeding malice to none; with charity; with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive to finish the work we are in, to bind the wounds of the nation.... "

April 14, 1865 , good Friday, Lincoln was assassinated in the Ford theatre in Washington.

Wordle: Lincoln
Week - 19
Date - 9th - 16th of February
Topic - Presidents Day. Abraham Lincoln

This training week in English, I was lucky enough to learn new words for me and to remind myself how to read large numbers.

The week was not difficult. All assignments are clear and available for execution.

But difficulties arise in me due to lack of time. And I guess need to learn English at school and not to lose time in vain. In adult life, a man who works, has a family and he at the same time still a lot of questions - not so easy to pay a decent time for language learning. My child I would be interested in learning multiple languages and will motivate every day!

The new format of the online meeting this week was very pleased. We have a very progressive teacher who job and selects relevant and interesting, and tries to make lessons accessible and understandable. Discover interesting facts about Martin Luther King, for me it was very useful. Because the struggle for the rights of black people is very similar to fighting for the rights of people with disabilities. Also, learn how to count money and to call them by their names - very useful!

But the clash had to skip... We could not get out of the house because the snow and ice were attacked on our roads:)

 I hope that globally I'm not behind of course!

Wellcome to my Blog, my dear reader! My name is Uliana and I'm from Ukraine. I live in Kiiyv region.

I'm person with mobility disability and my life runs on wheels. But the wheelchair absolutely not define as a person!

My life is full of love! I love my boyfriend! I love my family! I love my friends! I love my job! I love the sport and it makes me a better person not only physically;)

I hope my blog will live and I will tell many more interesting information of my life:)

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